Saturday, July 16, 2011

Spotify: Changing the Music Industry One Song at a Time


This music service is set to change everything here in the US. It's like Limewire or Napster (in the olden days)

And free.

Wait, free? Yep.

Unlimited streaming of a music catalogue that appears to have only left out the usuals: the Beatles, AC/DC, etc. It's available by invite only currently in the US for the free streaming but they are offering their $4.99 subscription/per month for unlimited music openly. The premiere subscription leaves out the ads, which you get about once every 25 minutes (think 5-6 songs) when streaming with the free edition. It's barely noticeable, and certainly doesn't bother me enough to make me pay to leave out a few harmless seconds of advertising.

It's revolutionary. It's like having everything available on iTunes....but for free. All the time.

What's the catch? There isn't one. All the major record labels have signed on. They're getting paid. The artists are getting paid. Everyone leaves happy at the end of the day. (Well, maybe not happy, but that's the nature of the beast.)

Get your free invite here (Coca-Cola has started a brilliant partnership with them):

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